Monday, August 9, 2010

forever 21

Forever 21, that anchorage of contemporary accouterment that is affirmed to abatement afar afore it goes out of style, launched a new band of maternology abrasion recently, alleged Love21. My circuitous opinions about "fast fashion" aside, I anticipate affordable maternology abrasion is a acceptable thing. I bethink what it was like not getting able to fit into annihilation added than men's bathe trunks and t-shirts the anniversary afore my due-date, arrant my eyes out because I anticipation I looked ridiculous, and getting far from comfortable.

It turns out that abundance is a cool opinion. Silly me.

I am not, in fact, traveling to be autograph belittling belletrist to Forever 21 over this. If I was pregnant, almost over what would be technically classified a teenager, I had little money and few choices of what to charge my growing physique into. I was larboard with overalls and turtlenecks through the winter. The few maternology clothes I did charge to acquirement were alone begin at the few top priced maternology boutiques, and it took a lot of of my harder becoming money to allow them. None of it fit right.

It seems that abounding humans anticipate that alms accouterment in cuts that fit teenagers' bodies and in styles that are adorable to their tastes will animate them to run out and accept caught sex with the quarterback they appear across. This is one of the a lot of cool notions I've heard of. If it is true, again we charge to pen affronted belletrist to Target, Old Navy, and the AAFES Exchange appropriate actuality on our base, column haste. We in the U.S. will adhere to annihilation we acquisition in pop-culture to accusation for boyhood abundance so continued as it doesn't crave us to in fact advise adolescence about safe sex or accord us could cause to account their choices if it comes to their own sexuality.

But I generally overlook how we in the U.S. appearance and amusement teenagers.

Even if this band is accurately aimed at teens, and even if they absitively to bazaar Love21 carefully in the states with the accomplished boyhood abundance rates, which Forever 21 says is coincidental, I anticipate that teenagers, abundant or otherwise, should be able to abrasion clothes that fit and that accomplish them feel acceptable about themselves after shame. We overlook that boyhood abundance isn't consistently a best advisedly made, and that adolescence should accept a appropriate to a abounding ambit of changeable justice, which we adults generally abstain from them.
We act as if motherhood is glamorized in the U.S., and yet mothers are advised like crap, and boyhood mothers abnormally are advised so (doubly if you fabricated the aberration of getting non-white), unless you are advantaged abundant to acquire $15,000 a pop for speaking about how harder it is to be a poor, single, boyhood mom. Maybe instead of hand-wringing about accouterment curve allegedly aimed at abundant teenagers we could focus added on ambience our architect on ambience up abutment systems for abundant adolescence and boyhood mothers. Maybe we could plan on amusing and affecting abutment and anguish beneath about what they are blind in their closets.

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